Vyacheslav Lobanov, National coordinator for WESTPAC in Russia, lobanov@poi.dvo.ru
Wenxi Zhu, Technical Secretary, IOC WESTPAC, w.zhu@ioc.unesco.org
Natalia Sokolova, POI FEB RAS, Russia, scientific secretary, sokolova.nl@poi.dvo.ru
Renat Shakirov, POI FEB RAS, Russia, ren@poi.dvo.ru
Syrbu Nadezhda, POI FEB RAS, Russia, syrbu@poi.dvo.ru
Yury Telegin, POI FEB RAS, Russia, telegin@poi.dvo.ru
Andrei Kholmogorov, POI FEB RAS, Russia, Kholmogorov.ao@poi.dvo.ru
Nengyou Wu, Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China (Co-chair) wuny@ms.giec.ac.cn
Lele Liu, Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China, lele.liu@qnlm.ac
Yizhao Wan, Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China, yizhao_wan@126.com
Min Zhang, First Institute of Oceanography, China, zhangmin@fio.org.cn
Cui-ling Xu, Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China, xcl1130@163.com
Pawan Dewangan, National Institute of Oceanography, India, pdewangan@nio.org
Susilo Hadi, Research Centre for Marine Geology, Indonesia, susilo.hadi@esdm.go.id
Nugroho D. Hananto, Indonesian Institute of Sciences - Deep Sea Research Centre, Indonesia, n_hananto@yahoo.com.sg
Udrekh Hanif, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesia, udrekh@gmail.com
Nguyen Nhu Trung, Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Vietnam nntrung@imgg.vast.vn
Van Duc Nam, NC-MONRE, Vietnam, namvanmgmc@gmail.com
Hitoshi Tomaru, Chiba University, Japan, tomaru@chiba-u.jp
Glen Snyder, University of Tokyo, Japan, glen@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
New Zealand
Ingo Andreas Pecher, University of Auckland, New Zealand, i.pecher@auckland.ac.nz
Sri Lanka
Dileka Samaranayake, National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency, Sri Lanka, thilakshanitbs@gmail.com
Republic of Korea
Young Keun Jin, Korea Polar Research Institute, Republic of Korea, ykjin@kopri.re.kr